Ian Andrews Britain
Britain is one of the most influential countries in Europe. The nation has been in existence for a long period of time. It has a very long and rich history which has made it stand out from the rest of the countries in Europe. The country is located in the western part of Europe. It has been made up of a number of nice lands.
People in the country speak English and thus being referred as England. The language was first spoken in the country, and it later spread to other parts of the globe. Apart from the language being spoken by the local residence, the country has a good number of similarities with other nations in Europe. The country has one of the best economies in the globe. Beside from that, it has less mortality rate too. This has been facilitated by the availability of well-equipped hospitals in the country. This has also increased life expectancy in the country.

London is its capital city. The city is considered as the financial hub of the globe. This has been facilitated by the availability of efficient and affordable banking system which can suit a broad range of people around the globe. The city has also attracted many expatriates from various countries because of the available resources.
There are many expatriates in the city, and thus one can easily carry out business activities in the city. This will be facilitated by the fact that the businessperson will be in a better position of getting guidance from expatriates from different segments. By achieving that one will also reduce the operation cost being incurred and thus increase the profit margin of his company. This is one of the reasons why many multinational corporations are currently opening their offices in London.
The country has been putting in place laws and regulation which promote business between the country and other nations in the globe. By doing that, a good number of entrepreneurs have been able to achieve their targets. This has led to the creation of jobs in the country thus reducing the poverty level in the country by a big fraction.
The city has also attracted many rich people across the globe. By doing that the country has befitted a lot since a good number of them have relocated to the country and thus bringing a lot of cash with them. By so doing the local economy has improved a lot.
The main reason why many wealthy people are coming from other countries is because of the tax system put in place by the government. Ian Andrews Britain tends to favor the rich people. These are some of the factors, Ian Andrews believes, which have made the country of Britain experience economic growth in the past years.
Beside from the stable economy of the country the nation has been able to shine in other segments too. The nation is home to a good number of people who have changed the globe. Some of them include Shakespeare and The Beatles. Ian Edmund Andrews was also born and raised in Britain. Ian is a former footballer well known for his excellent performance in a good number of matches. He played for many clubs in the country as a goalkeeper.
Britain also controls a good portion of the global trade despite from its site. The nation has been participating in global commerce for a number of years. Over the years they have been able to learn a lot about the activity thus being in a better position of trading well. It has also formed a number of trade blocks with some of the countries across the globe with the same interest.
The country has been a blessing a good number of nations which are still developing. Britain has been sending a good amount of aid to various nations which need support. By doing that, the country has created good relationship with many governments across the globe. Beside from sending aid the country has also been sending expatriates to help other governments to solve many issues being faced certain countries. Such activities have played a major role in making the globe a good place. This is because the lives of many people have been improved thus promoting economic growth and self-dependence among various nations.
The main reason for forming a trade block is so as to promote the business being carried out by the countries. The member will put no barriers in their borders. Apart from that, entities from other countries will not have to pay tax when trading with their fellow nations. This has been of great help to many countries including Britain since it has promoted economic activities among the members. Apart from that, it has also promoted peace and togetherness among many nations. This is because the countries depend on each other for particular products.